Hey everyone. I have a quick announcement to make.
It’s been a few years since I launched Tokyo Past 3. What started as a personal outlet for my creative interests has evolved into a blog that aims to be of service to others as much as it is a thing for my own pleasure. Admittedly, I had not been as dedicated to TP3 as I am now, and after careful consideration of the goals I am trying to achieve, I have decided that the best course of action is to move to self-hosting. In other words, move the blog from WordPress.com to WordPress.org. Doing so will allow me to manage costs better as well as maximize the site’s SEO potential.
So, how does that affect you, dear subscriber?
Well hopefully, it doesn’t. The domain name stays the same and I should be able to move subscribers without much trouble. There are enough resources online to help make the move as seamless as possible, but things can sometimes stray from plans, which is why I’m writing this post just in case.
And hey, if you have experience in changing servers and have some tips, I would be more than happy to listen.
Lastly, I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank you for subscribing, or even for just casually dropping by. I am working hard so that Tokyo Past 3 may continuously grow, and I hope that the site grows with you.
Thank you for your support. See you on the other side.
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